Garden flowers

The flower is the reproductive organ of most plants. However, some of them did not flower (eg ferns), so we want shall we plant whose flowers are particularly beautiful and vibrant ment. The latter, cultivated and improved over the cencles, are intended to decorate our gardens and integral laughing through bouquets or pots. Beyond the decorative aspect of a flowering, lage film may also be of interest. Thus, certies plants have leaves that enhance both their own and that of flowering plants around. Such plants also falls within the range of plants which the gardener posed when designing and creating a garden of flowers. All flowers are not alike: their silence invention and systematic description, so remarkable ment undertaken by botanists. However, it is necessary to know the names of parts making up a flower. For if their shape can change from one flower to another, their function remains the same.

At the end of it grows the flower bud. The latter is surrounded by a green envelope constituted sists of 5 sepals that will allow departing ap Raitre 5 petals. All the sepals form the ca running and all the petals form the corolla. At the heart of the flower in full bloom, there are an abundance ment of small yellow masses (the anthers), tees on slender threads. These are the stamens or male parts of the flower. At the center of the flower rises a stem thicker whose lower part is enlarged (the ovary) and the top terminated by a small plateau slightly sticky (the stigma). This is the pistil or female organ of the plant must receive pollen fertility to allow dation of the egg from the ovary. But the flower is not the final goal of the plant. It is only the means to reach the fruit (ovary fertilized), which itself carries the seeds, which should ensure the survival of the species.

Fertilization in a flower can not be done alone. You almost always the action of external agents (wind, insects, birds, etc..) Passed to allow age of the pollen from the stamens to the pistil.
So to attract insects or birds that the flower is variously colored, flavored, and it gives to those who ensured the fertilization reward, nectar (sugary and fragrant or located within the flower) and excess pollen is food for insects (bees in particular link).

The flower is only one step in the life of a plant, a step that leads to fruit and seed.

In general, in nature, there are simple flowers with 5 sepals and 5 petals, stamens and pistil. But then how is it possible that such rosy outcome of rosehip (wild rose), can have as many petals?